flexibility….a must!

flexibility isn't really a choice when it comes to parenting.  it's more like a must!  without the ability to be flexible, parenting can become a much more difficult job than it has to be.  your capability to be flexible in certain circumstances will make everyone in your family feel daily success, rather than pure defeat.  as a parent you want your day to go as smoothly as possible.  this is why we have schedules and routines in place.  with these schedules your days run like a smooth oiled machine.  without, it's a crazy form of chaos.  the schedules allow you to be organized, which is a pertinent key to having happy kids.  schedules are your general guide, but it doesn't mean you can't stray from it from time to time.  by having strict routines and schedules in place it will allow you to go off of them occasionally without insane melt downs from your little ones.  you have to be flexible because life happens.  you also have to be flexible because every time you have a schedule in place it seems your child than has a schedule change.  goes from one nap to two.  needs a later bedtime.  wakes earlier and therefore naps earlier.  there are many scenarios beyond these that come about, forcing you to be flexible.  in our family, i find that we have a very strong foundation in terms of our day to day schedule.  both boys can predict what comes next in terms of meals, snacks, naps, bath, and bedtime.  this helps keep our house tantrum free, for the most part!!  they are one and three so trust me when i say, we do have our issues!  with this foundation we have the ability to change, alter or adjust our schedule as our needs arise without causing upsets to the boys.  if becks needs to go to bed first one night, hudson can easily adjust.  if hudson is over exhausted and needs to go to bed first, we adjust and all do books together.  don't be afraid to do what needs to be done to keep everyone happy.  your schedule is your guide and is not hard and fast.  by altering as it's needed you will avoid those over tired melt downs.  catch the problem before it occurs.  you always have to be ahead of the game.  your kids will thank you for it and you will also thank yourself, as you will feel that sense of success and accomplishment, rather than feeling defeated by your kids behaviours.  life requires us to be flexible and parenting is one area you will need to use this skill often.  you will feel better trying to be flexible and your kids will too!  remember...being flexible doesn't mean taking your kids out to BBQ's 4 times a week and going to bed late.  but rather, it means doing it one night, if you think they can handle it.  it means skipping their nap occasionally for something important.   it means switching up the bedtime routine to make everyone happy.  it means to create schedules and routines, but alter them as needed!  you know your kids better than anyone else and you know what they need and how much they can handle outside their schedule.  be flexible and your kids will be flexible too!! click here to subscribe to mommy secrets and follow along! click here daily to vote for mommy secrets...thank you!!! 


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