Growing Independence

Helping your child to grow and develop in the department of independence, is a constant work in progress.  It doesn't happen overnight and it will definitely take some hard work, time and commitment.  Noticing a theme here?  All things in successful parenting require these 3 things!  Hard work, time, and commitment.  Well behaved, responsible, independent children are not miracles.  Well, in some degree yes, our kids are all miracles, but their behaviour is a product of their parents dedication and commitment to them.  Last weekend we were out for lunch downtown at a place we always go to, as it's the boys' favourite spot.  The new manager came over to introduce herself to us and to tell us that Justin, one of the servers there we know, told her that 'those two little boys are the best behaved boys he has ever served in his entire life!'  Compliments like this help you as the parent realize that your hard work is paying off.  That you are raising well-behaved children who know how to act in public settings and more important they know the reasons why it's important to act a certain way.  This happens through lots of time, training and communication with your kids, which you can all do, if you're not already! Being able to take my 4 and 6-year-old boys anywhere takes a large amount of stress off.  If you are finding it nerve wracking or worrisome to think about taking your kids out in public, because you are worried about what behaviour might present itself, than it's time today to start making some changes.  It can be done and with my help I will work with you to start setting these much-needed boundaries, expectations and guidelines in place.  Again, it won't happen overnight, but with your hard work, time and commitment you will make changes.  In turn, you are not only doing your child a favour, but also yourself.  Life with your kids is so much more enjoyable when you can simply just be together and not be policing or putting out fires left and right.  It will decrease your stress and the stress your kids hold on to as well.  When you are stressed and upset your kids feed directly off of your emotions and energy.  They only want to please you and when they are acting up they are, in their way, looking for attention and hoping with all they are to please you.  Unfortunately, with this behaviour this will never happen and you find yourself in a hamster wheel going round and round.  Try jumping off this wheel and stopping your dizzy ride. I will help you set up schedules and routines to help your children grow independence.  To get ready in the morning independently.  No more pushing your kids out the door.  This helps you and helps develop their independence.  I will help you create activities that your children can do independently when they wake early in the morning and it's not quite time to get up.  I will help you learn to communicate with you children in a positive manner to create a more open line of communication and a more positive form of discipline.  With defined boundaries and expectations in place your children will know how to please you and this alone is half the battle in stopping negative behaviour.  For more tips on parenting, sleep training and more subscribe below and get the latest posts direct or click here to book a one on one parent coach consult!  Lets get your household running smoothly!


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