Happy New Year – It’s 2018

Where does the time go?  How does a new year arrive when it feels as though the last one just started?  Being that it's New Year's Day, this picture got me thinking about how quickly time is passing.  In this photo it looks like my little men are on a skyline date (with my niece) and it completely made my mind jump ahead to the coming years. Now of course it won’t be skyline dates with cousins, but it will dates and I’m sure it will be here before I know it. Although their dating days feel like years away, these years are passing faster then I’d like. If only I could slow down time and freeze these years. Keep my little boys little forever, frozen at 6 and 8. But....as much as I am saddened by them growing up, I’m also so proud and happy to see who they are growing up to be: kind, responsible, gentle souls. They are amazing human beings in the works and each year that passes I’m reminded how far they’ve come and how much they’ve accomplished. Our family gets closer, our relationships grow, our bond tightens and our love expands. So...as much as we all hate to get older, it truly is a blessing. To be here to see the next year roll in and the past year roll out. To be here with those we love and to experience all this world has to offer.    For all you parents, my wish for you during this year of 2018 is to do all those things you keep telling yourself you want to do. Stop saying it and start doing it. If you’ve been meaning to make more quality family time- do it. If you’ve been meaning to exercise more and eat healthier to make you feel better- do it. If you’ve been wanting to stop yelling and learn new positive ways to get your kids to listen- do it. Change is always available whether it’s the first day of a new year or the last day of the last.  It’s not about adding pressure of New Year's resolutions, it’s about making a point to reflect, look back and then jump forward! Change is always possible and you can do it. Share your wishes and goals for 2018 under the comments and help inspire and connect with other parents. Everyone can use a helping hand! If you have questions for me regarding your parenting goals- ask! I will answer you- I promise!
Tia Slightham


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