Are You Exhausted and Need Your Baby to Sleep?

Click the button below and I'll send you my  3 best tips for getting your infant to sleep easily and for hours.

Start Good Habits Now So You Don't Have To Break Them Later

If your newborn needs to be constantly held and you can’t get your baby to sleep, then you need to take action now. By not creating good habits now, you will be forced to break bad habits later. This means getting your baby to sleep becomes harder on you and them. These 3 tips will guide you to create good sleeping and feeding habits so you don’t have trouble teaching your baby to sleep. 

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What Other Moms Are Saying...

Katie G. RMT

Since birth, my daughter has co-slept with us, jumped out of cribs, snuck into our bed night after night. She has resisted bedtime with broken baby gates, temper tantrums, manipulation, tears and tears, so many tears (myself included). I can’t remember a time when I didn't lay with her until I was unequivocally sure she would be asleep, blood running cold, praying she won’t notice my attempt to sneak out of her room. Last night we read books, we talked, we sang one song and at 8:00 pm she went to sleep...alone. Tia Thank you for my evening time freedom!

The O'Hanlan Family

People always ask us how our baby is such a good sleeper or how she never cries and is always happy - so I tell them about Tia's teachings - it's all thanks to her.


When I met with Tia I was at the end of my rope, my son’s sleeping habits had really regressed. When Adam turned 4 months his sleep got even worse, he used to sleep at night for 6 – 7 hour stretches, then he started waking up every 2 – 3 hours. The first night of sleep training was tough but I followed Tia’s guidelines and it worked. Adam falls asleep within 5 minutes, he rarely cries and is now sleeping 11 – 12 hours at night.

Get Your Baby To Sleep Fast Tonight

Click the big gold button below to get Tia's Top 3 Tips

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