New Year for New Beginnings

Happy young family lying down and enjoying in their talk. It's that time of year where everyone, myself included, sits back and takes a long hard look at the year that just passed.  Did we accomplish all we wanted?  Are we happy with it overall?  Did was have success?  Where did we fail?  And now the big question....How the heck can we improve this year?  All these reflections are great, but sometimes the pressure of improving the upcoming year can feel a bit daunting.  It's one of those natural occurrences to come up with a 'new years' resolution.'  The trouble with these resolutions is that so often we all tend to give up or in our eyes 'fail.'  The negative feeling we get from failing gets us all down.  Instead of getting down this year on our failures, lets learn from them, just as we want to teach our kids to do. My advice for you this year is to look back at your year as parents and think about all you did well.  All the fun memories and exciting times you spent together.  All the times you leaned on one another to get through the obstacles.  The moments where you are overwhelmed with love and joy just thinking about how lucky you are to have the people in your lives that mean the most.  How grateful we are to be parents and have these marvellous kids in our lives.   Instead of thinking about the tantrums, terrors, lack of sleep and overall crazy, try to think about the positives.  Lets start 2016 on a positive note.  Take your first steps forward in the new year with a positive outlook and lets not be so hard on ourselves.  Lets not pressure ourselves to completely change.  Lets take baby steps to fix the areas we want to fix.  Lets take baby steps to better ourselves.  Lets take baby steps to work on our parenting skills. In order to fix your parenting struggles you do have to take responsibility for those areas that are not running as smoothly as you'd like.  It takes two to tango and WE are a big part of the problem.  I encourage all of you to get out a pen and paper.  Sit down and take the time to write down all the areas where you find parenting the most frustrating.  The areas where you want to take baby steps to change.  By writing them down you are acknowledging them and that's the first step to positive change.  Lets do this!  Lets not spend 2016 wishing the days away.  Hoping negative behaviours will change with time.  Wanting our kids to grow up too fast.  Lets DO enjoy every minute.  Lets DO make changes to our daily routine to help it run smoother.  Lets DO get our kids sleeping properly so we can enjoy our partners.  Lets DO help our kids learn and understand boundaries and personal responsibilities.  Lets DO stop the bedtime, mealtime, potty-time, homework and all the other battles that currently exist.  Lets DO THIS!! 2016 the year of positive parenting!  Contact me today and receive 20% off all packages for the month of January.  Take a step in the right direction and start enjoying parenting now!  Trust me, baby steps make  massive changes in the right direction!!


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View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tia Slightham – Parent Coach (@tiaparentingcoach)

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