Social Media Stop Judging My Parenting

1 Week Social Media Challenge:

Join Me And  Get A Free Parenting Guide of Your Choice


Parenting is a tough job, there’s no doubt about it. As parents, you often feel guilty and beat yourself. You are constantly judging yourself. Therefore, the last thing you need is to be judged by others, especially others you may not even know! A study of over 2,200 parents with kids all under the age of 5 years found that almost ALL parents feel judged. With findings of 90% of moms and 85% of dads feeling as though their parenting skills were constantly critiqued. With social media emphasizing what amazing lives others have, it can make you feel even worse. Instagram paints pictures of happy families without any struggles. They are all smiles and have “perfect kids.” I am here to tell you, THIS IS NOT TRUE!


Social media is not real. It’s simply part of a much bigger picture. It’s pieces of a larger puzzle. When you click, scroll and browse, you are not getting the whole story. You see the parts and pieces that look perfect, which psychologically leads you to immediately compare their lives to yours. This can cause you to feel like a failure and may leave you wishing that your life were more like theirs. Let’s all stop right there!


First of all, I want you to know that you are enough. All you do is enough. You are not alone. This parenting journey is a long hard trek, but at the same time, it passes by so quickly. I don’t want you to wake up one day and regret the fact that you let social media rob you of your life and your experiences with your kids. Don’t compare yourself to those bits and pieces you see on Facebook and Instagram. No one’s life is perfect. Let’s face it; everyone is dysfunctional to some degree! Myself included. Very few people want to share these parts of their lives on social media. The real, raw truth of motherhood and family life is swept under the rug.


I am just like you. I am a parent. I am a human. I have faults. I am not perfect. I have self-doubt. I have regrets and wishes. I try my best and sometimes I feel it’s not enough. I let social media get in my head from time to time. I realize after I've wasted ten minutes scrolling through posts. I have goals and limits. I hold myself back when I know I should just let go. Each day, living my life, my way and I am doing by best. It’s not perfect. My kids are not perfect. But, each day I am working towards a goal. To get to a point where I know and truly believe that I am enough. My kids are enough. Life is enough! Social media won't get in our way unless you let it.


I often talk with you guys about the importance of setting boundaries and limits for your kids. Today I challenge you to set some boundaries and limits for YOU! I am going to ask you to try something really hard. It won’t be easy, but challenges are what make us grow and stretch. Are you ready for it? I dare you to shut off Instagram and Facebook for one week. Selfishly, I love having all of you follow my feed and comment in so we can stay connected, but I want what’s best for you. I truly want you to enjoy your parenting experience and cherish the moments you have. I want you to have a great quality of life with kids. This means, what happens day-to-day in your home is what matters. Not what happens in anyone else’s on social media!


Maybe you need a couple of days to let this challenge sink in. But..I really am triple dog daring you to shut down your Instagram and Facebook for one week. I know some of you are probably sweating and going into full panic mode. Worrying about what you will do with your open windows of time where you typically scroll through other people’s lives. But, let's get real here - It’s just one week! In one week's time, you can reflect and decide how the challenge made you feel.

Did you have more time to stop and breath?

Find more time to meditate or squeeze in a short exercise routine?

Did you connect more with more friends and kids?

Were you able to live in the moment, your moment?


If you want to take this challenge, please CLICK HERE to fill out the quick form by adding your name, email and challenge start date. Once you complete the challenge email me a brief note about your experience and I will give you a FREE DIY Parenting Module Of Your Choice. Get solutions for sleep, homework battles, mealtime struggles, sibling rivalry and more. Whatever your biggest struggle; I will send you a step-by-step guide to solve it for FREE!


Don’t worry! Tia Slightham – Parenting Solutions is a JUDGMENT FREE parenting community. I am not here to make you feel worse, but rather I strive to make you and your kids feel better. I want you to enjoy your parenting experience, each step of the way. Sign up for the challenge and just do your best. If you make it 7 full days you will get a free module. If you don’t make the full week, don’t worry. I will offer more giveaways and opportunities in the future. Or if you decide to try again at a later date just contact me to let me know and I will be there right along with you. I am here to support you and your parenting each step of the way.


I will take the plunge with you! Off goes my Insta and Facebook for one week! I am going to start my week of “unplugging” starting this Sunday morning the 24th. You can start with me on Sunday or when the time is right for you. Just remember to CLICK HERE and fill out the form to get you your freebie Parenting Guide! During my mind and soul break from social media - I will be reachable via email or through my site. You’re not alone! Let's step back, live in the moment and take a break from the bits and pieces of social media. See you back on April 1st! I can't wait to hear about your week!


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View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tia Slightham – Parent Coach (@tiaparentingcoach)

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