Solid Sleep Cues Help Create Solid Sleep

often times i hear from parents and or/clients that their baby sleeps well some of the time, but other times he/she is waking often and not sleeping well.  usually the root of this issue is that they are lacking solid, consistent sleep cues and sleep environments.  babies do really well when there is a routine and cues that tell them sleep is coming.  they learn from these cues and learn to get themselves set for solid sleep. if you sometimes sleep in the car, sometimes sleep at home, and sometimes sleep on the go or on a couch would you feel rested and settled?  would you feel like you were getting good deep sleep? babies are little tiny humans.  people just like you and me.  if you wouldn't like something, chances are neither would they.  you need to treat them like you like to be treated.  most of us like to go to bed at night, in the dark, without distractions and sleep in peace!  if you set a nap time and bedtime routine in place and follow it religiously, it will help teach your little one to sleep better.  they will learn to recognize which steps happen before they lie down to rest.  they will begin to gear themselves up for solid sleep.  creating consistency in their sleep routines will create consistency in their sleep.  it's up to you to commit to these routines.  yes, i know you have to be home.  yes, i know you are stuck during naps.  yes, i know you are trapped in the evening due to an early bedtime.  but i also know your baby will sleep.  you can't have your cake and eat it too.  you can't run around all the time with your baby and expect miracles.  you have to work and commit and do your part so they can do theirs. of course, if you need sleep advice, want help creating routines or sleep solutions please contact me! i would love to help you all get the sleep you need and the sleep your baby needs to grow and develop properly.  and to just overall be a happier and more rested baby!!! to get the latest post from Tia Slightham sent direct to you via email subscribe at the bottom of the page!    


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