swaddle or sleep sack?

hello my fellow readers, parents, and followers!  my sincere apologies for being the biggest blogging slacker ever!  i have had a busy summer with my kids and prior to that i won't bore you with excuses.  needless to say i am back and am truly sorry for my lack of commitment to all of you and Mommy Secrets.  i am one to always preach commitment and consistency with your babies and children and than here i go being the worlds' biggest hypocrite in regards to my commitment to you!  so one final, SORRY!!!! so to get back in the swing of all of your parenting needs, questions and concerns i am going to start this off with the million dollar question:  swaddle or sleep sack?  seems so simple and yet continues to give everyone so much grief! when do you swaddle? for how long do you swaddle?  i don't think my baby likes the swaddle?  my baby won't sleep unless he/she is swaddled with their arms out?  why won't the sleep sack work?  do some or all of these questions sound familiar to you?  have these questions ran through your mind and you are still left in the dark on where to go?  well, you're not alone.  the question to swaddle or sleep sack seems so simple, but leaves many parents confused.  with a few pointers i'm going to give, you will have your swaddle or sleep sack questions answered.  that being said, the point at which you swaddle or transition to sleep sack is the easier part to decipher.  it's sticking to the process of transitioning that comes the trickier part!  SWADDLE:
  • from birth until your baby is fighting the swaddle so much that they are out of it more than they are in it
  • needs to be tight with both arms down (even for you whom feel your baby doesn't like it...they do and will sleep better once you consistently swaddle properly)
  • swaddle for nighttime and naps
  • once baby is fighting the swaddle you can double up.  use a thin swaddle blanket first and then over top layer with the velcro 'swaddle me' blanket for extra support!  available at Amazon click the highlighted link or find them at most baby stores in your area.  just a small trick of the trade!
  • transition to sleep sack once your baby is constantly out of the swaddle.  at this point if they have been swaddled properly in the past and are fighting to get out they are most likely developmentally ready to have their arms free to sleep.
  • if they are rolling over they need to be in a sleep sack for safety reasons
  • usually around 3-5 months you will notice signs that they are outgrowing the swaddle
  • transitions from swaddle to sleep sack during NAPS first (sometimes easier for parents to have sleep issues during the day than at night when they want to sleep themselves! of course use the sleep sack at night but use your gut based on the nap time success or lack of to decide to do it straight away or continue sleep sack training the next day during naps again.  use your gut!!
  • this can sometimes be a hard transition for little ones and often leads to tears and frustration at sleep times
  • first attempt the sleep sack during naps and let them be to try and figure it out.  just like anything new babies need the time to sort it out on their own.
  •  similar to sleep training it's important that you remain consistent and stick to it. 
  • it usually takes a few days to work out the kinks!  hang in there!
Just like everything else in parenting you need to use your GUT!  you know your baby better than anyone else.  you know if you feel they are outgrowing the swaddle.  you know if they are moving around too much in bed to remain swaddled.  you know!  that is the key thing to remember!  you know, you know, you know!  just remain sure of yourself and know you are doing a great job.  parenting isn't easy and it comes with all these questions such as swaddle or sleep sack.  those who are not parents don't get that what sounds so simple and silly is truly a complicated issue for all us parents!  i hope you now have some insights on the swaddle or sleep sack issue and please feel free to comment or ask questions!  until next time (which i promise won't be so long :) )  happy parenting!!! click the link to subscribe to mommy secrets and get the latest info sent directly to you!!! 


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