The Best Way To Get Your Kids To Cooperate

Tis' The Season For Wild and Crazy Kids (TRUE or FALSE)!!

Well, it's that time of year again that most parents have learned to stress about. All the holiday parties, planning, shopping, cooking, baking, hosting, wrapping, decorating, running around and the never-ending lists! Sound about right? BUT, on the other hand it's one of my favorite times of the year! I love the joyful music, warm lights, having a Christmas tree, singing with my kids and snuggling up to read stories by the fire, while sipping on eggnog and smelling warm cookies in the oven. Those are the things that make me happy, but if your kids are refusing to behave, listen or cooperate, then NONE of that is fun! So, do you want to know the best way to get your kids to cooperate? KEEP READING...

How annoying is it when your kids refuse to listen or cooperate?

Super, duper, duper annoying, right?!! I have two boys and I'm walking this parenthood journey right alongside you. I fully understand the lack of patience, blood boiling frustrations that parenting can bring, but the good news is that you don't have to deal with these situations very often with the right parenting tools tucked away in your pocket. Sure, kids will be kids, and we actually want that, but with the right parenting tools your kids won't refuse to listen or refuse cooperate very often. Instead they will cooperate and do what needs to be done, most of the time, without any power struggles.

Do you want to know how to get your kids to listen and cooperate?

I can and will answer this question for you, which is why I am touching on this subject today. With the holidays approaching, school letting out for a two week break, parents are starting to stress. You might be stressing about the lack of routine, the abundance of over-indulgences, how to manage the sweets and treats, late night bedtimes, missing naps due to family gatherings, over-tired, over-stimulated kids. I want you to relax and know that this year the holidays are going to be a breeze with my parenting hacks to get your kids to cooperate.

TOP Parentings hacks to get your kids to cooperate this holiday season

  1. Stick to your bedtime and sleep routine as much as possible

  2. Remember to have fun with your kids

  3. The more you INVOLVE your kids the more INVESTED they will be

HACK #1:  Stick to your bedtime routine as much as possible

This hack is super important and I know it's a bit of a 'Debbie Downer.' No one wants to be the bad-cop parent that is constantly policing their kids' bedtime. BUT...with all the holiday excitement your little Energizer Bunnies will need to be sure they get their zzz's. Lack of sleep is the #1 reason kids misbehave. I know, you must think that I sound like a broken record, but I so desperately want you to have an easy an enjoyable holiday and this will only happen if your kids sleep! Your kids will not listen or cooperate if they're not getting their necessary sleep (see chart to see how much your child should be sleeping)

Family pressure to miss naps and bedtime

Sometimes family can put added pressure on your routines. Making you feel guilty for missing an event or leaving early to get your little one down for a nap. This pressure is happening around the globe, you're not alone. To help manage some of this pressure I want you to try to find a balance between flexibility and holding your ground. Let some things go during this busy time of year. Maybe skip a morning nap to spend time at a family brunch and zip home in time for the afternoon nap. Or maybe you are missing both naps, don't worry, it's just one day. Do your best to get home and get your babe down early for bedtime to catch up on some of that missed daytime sleep and avoid an extremely over-tired child who's impossible to settle.

Teeter with flexibility and routines

Remember, just do your best! The season is short and family is important, but if your kids don't sleep, you don't sleep and we all know what this means; irritability, lack of patience, short fuse, constantly annoyed state of mind. You don't want to feel like this and your kids sure as heck don't want to either. So, to avoid this mess, do your best to stick to your bedtime routine as much as possible. This doesn't mean you can't do anything fun or have any late nights, but use your best judgement. IF you stayed out late with the kids one night, make a conscious effort to hit the sheets early the next. Catch up on some of those missed hours of sleep and get back on track. Lack of sleep compounds so the longer your go without playing catch up, the more your kids will refuse to listen and cooperate.

HACK TOOL: Grab your free bedtime charts at the end of this article to make your life easier and get your kids to cooperate without any added work!

HACK #2:  Remember to have fun with your kids

I remember that magical feeling of the holiday season as a child, do you? The warm and fuzzy feeling the night before Santa was coming or the cold, bitter evening walks looking at all the twinkling lights. I loved nothing more than Christmas as a child and I want the same magic for my kids. So much of your child's holiday cheer is because of you! You make those lasting traditions that they will hopefully one day carry on with their kids. You're the one who is giving them those deep memories. The memories that will come back to them with the smell of holiday baking or warm cups of hot cocoa. The fun you have with your kids is what leaves the biggest impact and impression. YOU MATTER MOST TO YOUR KIDS! This holiday season do your best to take a deep breath and just have fun with your kids. When you get on the floor to play with your kids, get messy in the kitchen or spend time getting in the holiday spirit, you will find your kids listening and cooperating more. Having fun = increased connection and this is your child's main goal in life! HACK TOOL: Grab your copy of GOLDEN TIME to help make time for fun with your kids and increase cooperation during the holiday. When your kids feel better they do better! Help your kids cooperate by remembering to have fun with them!

HACK #3:  The more you involve your kids the more invested they will be

I can't emphasize this hack enough. This is so important, not only during the holiday season, but year round. If you can remember that the more involved your kids are, the more invested they will be, the sooner you will see your kids listening and cooperating more. Let's look closer at what I mean...
  • Involve your kids in creating bedtime routines to help encourage your kids to listen and cooperate at bedtime (grab your free charts at the end of the article. Then spend time with your kids decorating and practicing them together)
  • Get your kids to help plan the holiday activities over the break to help them feel in control of their schedule
  • Ask your kids to make a chore list WITH you of all the household things that need to get done
  • Give your kids power by having them each choose 2-3 chores to do from the list they helped make each week
Involve your kids in everything you need them to do to help increase their level of investment and cooperation By involving your kids you will be  'asking and not telling' them what to do. Asking sounds more respectful and helps them to feel seen, heard and understood. You are giving them a sense of power and control, as you create a more democratic and respectful household. This is where you will magically see your kids listen and cooperate!


  1. 5 FREE Downloadable Charts (Bedtime and sleep chart included)
  2. Golden Time Module to help you connect with your kids from their perspective to increase listening and cooperation
  3. Choices Within Limits to help encourage cooperation and listening
Don't waste another holiday season feeling annoying and frustrated with your kids. Instead grab the easy parenting tools and start making this holiday and the year to come the best year of parenting yet! I've got your back, but I need you to take the first step!    


family and holiday, holiday season, kids and holidays, kids cooperating, kids listening, parenting tools

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