Helping You Create Stress Free Parenting
Helping You Create Stress Free Parenting
Helping parents go from exhaustion and overwhelm and (unsure what to do?) to a place where they feel calm, confident and equipped to parent free of yelling, punishment, guilt and regret!
Our kids grow up fast, but along the way parenting can feel like it’s never going to end. Stop living each day frustrated and exhausted by parenting and start living a high quality life with your kids!
how i help parents
Stress-Free, High Quality Living with Your Kids
I get it, parenting is a full time job, but I promise you it doesn't have to be a daily grind. If you're feeling defeated, tired and down right fed up with your kids not sleeping, not listening, refusing to cooperate, tantrums or any other parenting challenge - It's time to make a change! You can and will create the high quality of life you desire with your kids. All you need is the right action plan, support and accountability!
work with me
Big Challenges or Little Ones...I Can Help!
I will work right alongside you as we create the positive parenting experience you dream about. No more second guessing or wondering if what you're doing is making things better or worse. Finally fill your parenting toolbox with positive strategies that help you and your kids increase your bond and connection, all free of yelling, punishment, anger or guilt. With simple step by step plans that have been proven to work for thousands of parents before you it will allow you to start seeing results right away. What are you waiting for?
The Parenting with Purpose Method
A proven system with support, accountability and results! 12 week program which includes flexible online learning with access daily and weekly to Tia for questions, coaching and support! This method has a success rate that's through the roof as it's designed for busy parents just like you!
One-on-One Coaching
Do you love the idea of a tailored step by step plan to fit the needs of your family, values and goals? One-on-One virtual coaching is a simple, easy and effective way to reach your goals. Put an end to your parenting challenges and create lasting results all without stress or overwhelm.
Speaking Events
Have a parenting group, school or group of friends who would love to learn more about positive parenting? Book Tia to speak virtually via zoom or live (location dependent.) Price to be determined.
Parenting is Hard...Let's Make it Easier!
Are you tired of 2-3 hour bedtime shenanigans. Every night it's the same battle. Kids getting in and out of bed, needing more hugs, more water, to go potty or maybe you need to fix the sheets nineteen times or sing to each stuffy. Are you exhausted and want bedtime to be enjoyable?
If you feel like I'm a fly on your wall at bedtime based on the above, the I'm guessing you're ready to make a change. Are you ready for an easy, battle free bedtime that takes thirty minutes start to finish? The good news is you're in the right place!
Battle Free Bedtimes is a 4-week online course that will walk you through how to get your kids to cooperate at bedtime, create a simple bedtime routine that your kids can and will do start to finish, as well as, a step by step sleep action plan that's gentle and supportive. Get your kids to go to bed, stay in bed, fall asleep independently and sleep all night!
Battle Free Bedtimes will solve your sleep challenges, build your parenting skills, increase your parent child connection and get your entire house sleeping!
This simple online course will walk you through the #1 parenting tool to help your kids listen and cooperate. Fill your child's power and attention buckets in 10 minutes with a 5 ingredient formula that's been proven to work for thousands of parents before you!
Learn the skills to implement Golden Time seamlessly into your busy schedule for maximum results and ease with a coaching video, templates, pdf downloads and accountability calendars.
One week or less with consistent use of Golden Time and you will see positive changes in your child's behavior and your connection!