catching your zzz’s : 1 year sadie sleeps

hi everyone!  it’s been a busy week with out of town guests and my son, hudson, turning 3.  that being said, sorry i haven’t gotten back to you sooner with little sadie’s sleep results!  sadie who was struggling to go to bed for naps and nighttime has made amazing progress.  she is no longer waking in the night.  along with her all night sleep she is going to bed earlier.  no more 11:00pm bedtimes! for laura and her schedule, she could manage to get her down consistently around 9:30pm and this is working for them.  laura understands that this is still too late, but your child’s schedule has to be something you can be consistent with.  the consistency is key and is helping sadie create good sleep habits.  she goes down without a fuss and sleeps all night.  laura removed all stimulation from her crib and helped to make her room a more calming environment.  ‘setting the stage’ can be half the battle. 

through nap training strategies sadie is napping 1 nap/day that lasts around 2 hours!  what a difference!  by trying to create consistency between the nanny and laura, sadie is on a proper nap and bedtime schedule. laura who used to refer to herself as “sleepless in toronto”  has told me that “sadie is doing remarkably well and i am no longer sleepless in toronto!” 

i am thrilled that we got another family to catch their zzz’s!!  maybe you can be next!

keep reading to hear about more sleep successes and if you need sleep advice feel free to ask me anything!


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